Thursday, October 26, 2006

Chapter 5 - New friends are good friends.

Day 271. 20th August. Year 6 OR

I emerged from my time traveling vortex thing I just made up and discovered that nothing had changed. What gives? It took a while of a few friendly questionings from my next door neighbour to discover that it was only one year after I had left. How annoying. I wiped the blood off my hands and wandered next door to my old home.

There I was wandering around the garden proberly planning his future dictaroship who knows. I waved to him and he ran off yelling happily. This made me sigh. Nothing has really changed so I made my self at home again and tried to continue my teachings of leadership with guns.

It was then I noticed my dad watching from a window. I waved to him but he must not have seen me for he yelled some rude words at some "young ruffian." Annoyingly the door was locked so i calmly smashed it down and entered the house to say hello to everyone again.

After a few minutes my dads friends came along. He must have phoned them while I wasn't looking. Ah old fashions. Strange black clothings with white squares and radios and funny caps. They had come in some kind of a party mobile with flashing lights. I decided to join in the party. They seemed to be a part of some kind of group called police or something.

Oh they were very friendly and happy to take me with them on some mystery road trip. I soon grew bored and decided to have a go with driving. With screams of delight from my new friends we found a way to make cars fly. Through fields we drove and over hills. We all had great fun.

When I felt that it was time to go home my friends didn't want me to leave. That popular am I? I told them calmly that I had to go. They all took it quit well after I had had a short playful go with that baseball bat of theirs. They even let me have their car with it's own interactive radio. It was great. Everyone on it talked to me all the time I drove.

Maybe this isn't such a bad time period after all.

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