Thursday, February 23, 2006

Chapter 1 - It's a girl... oh wait a boy sorry.

Day 1. 30th September. Year: 0BR (Before Rob).

I had arrived on this fatefull and I must say annoyingly warm late summer day. Strange just how much has changed. That statue of me isn't there yet. How odd. And also everyone here is walking around freely. Must have been before these squids began to attack. Oh them squids. They come over here and act like they own the place. Go back to the sea darn it!!!

Still I checked the date on a newspaper I borrowed from an old woman. Oh she was fine after the fight, I saw her get up. I was shocked to find the date being that of my birth. Funny that.

Knowing where I'd be at this time of day I wondered through the small village of Edinburgh to find that hospital where I came from. You know that one that brunt down around 16 years later. I didn't do it. I was just holding the matches and the curtains sort of set themselves on fire. It wasn't my fault that someone had happened to splash petrol all over the place. How was I to know that the firemen would be delayed by a 16 year old teenager with an axe before they could deal with the fire. I mean they act as though it was all my fault.

After getting lost in the building I managed to find myself. I seemed very playful. We had a game of basket ball. I missed the basket several times but not to worry. I landed on my head most of the time so there was no real injury when I returned me to that small bed again.

Day 30. 29th October. Year: 0BR

I have never been in a jail before nor a courtroom so this was a new experience for me. My parents didn't seem very pleased when they found out what happened to the wee me. I personly don't see what all the trouble was about. The little me never gave on word of annoyance when we played. He only scream with pure delight as I threw him at the basket. Still my parents must have known who I was. Infact even the press knew who I was. They called me "a mad man." Only the people who truely know me know how insane I am.

I wasn't in jail for long. They soon sent me to this new hospital like building. Since I could escape through a vortex any time I wanted I just enjoyed the ride until I grew bored. I even let out a few friends I made in this place. Very nice guys. The naughty police said they were murders who were a danger to the public but I could see no sign of it.

Out of this place I wondered through Edinburgh to find my old home. My mother was pleased to see me. That was after she fell over, somehow, when she saw who I was. After she got up she began to laugh and foam at the mouth. That large bump on the head from when she fell didn't seem to affect her. When she did speak she laughed a lot. "Are you going to rob the place?" she asked through several cackles and blackouts. Yes she knows me too well. I was indead going to Rob the place. I was going make this place very much Rob. Truelly this batty woman was my mother.

You know I think I'll fit in nicely here.

HA HA HAH AH AH HAHH!!! Best story I read in ages!!
I am SO GONNA bookmark this site now, Rob. I'm hooked!!
Now why did I not find this page sooner? Another great story from Rob! Bravo.
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