Friday, April 07, 2006

Chapter 4 - Cheer up you little...

Day 269. 25th December. Year 5 OR.

Everyone enjoys a good christmas with the family don't they wee me. I have been here for some time and I must say that it has been fun. Everyone so friendly in this house. My mother has stopped foaming at the mouth and now joyfully rocks backwards and forwards singing old nursery rhymes. She must be looking back to her childhood and dreaming of past games and friends. My father has returned from his new friends who wear the white coats. He too seems to be full of christmas cheer. Never sitting still always commenting on what a happy family this is and how normal everything is.

The me from this time, however, is a different story. Was I really like this? Blooming kids. They never behave do they. After all the trouble I took to take him to all those museams to teach him about the world. All those long detailed lectures on philosophy. All those long boring lessons on how mathamatics can help us understand the world around that I had to sit through. Not one bit of thanks do i get. I have to drag him now kicking and screaming to all those places. I keep telling him that I wouldn't hit him so hard if he didn't scream so much. I think I got the hang of the discipline stuff now. Now if he ever causes me trouble I simply hit him over the head and he goes quiet. Nice.

Well it's christmas now. The wee me seems to be quite excited for some reason. Well maybe it's all the presents I got him. Wow look at all this stuff. They'd never allow this stuff for children now a days. I don't see why. I mean what harm will a machine gun really do I mean come on. Next you'll be going on about that katana I gave him which I found on my daily explore through this city's buildings.

What a heartless brat. Look at all this weaponry I took the trouble to get and you want some kind of toy? Oh don't cry again. Look I'm sorry I smashed your stuff, it won't happen again. I did try to make him feel better by showing him my old hand puppet which he'll get three year later and will love for many years to come but it didn't work.

I've had enough of this time period. The me at this stage can't even spell his own name properly. How's he going to become me if he can't spell. I can spell very well and look at me now. Still where next? We can only wait and see for I shall be going to a random space of time.

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