Friday, March 17, 2006

Chapter 3 - Late to bed and early to rise makes a man Rob.

Day 142. 20th August. Year 5 OR

After jumping forward to this day I had hoped to see many changes but was sadly dissapointed to see nothing changed. Now being four years old I seem to have not been giving much thought to my rise to power yet. Maybe I should educate myself so as to be sure of my empire becoming as it is now. Never too young to start a campaign.

With this thought in mind I walked down the path to my old home knocking over a woman who had a nasty fall. After given this loon a few harmless kicks for messing up my coat I relised it was my mother. I apologised but she didn't seem to mind. She even took me home. She did call me "woberakickadicicyert" but that was the only problem that I could make out.

My father was happy to see me as well when he came home. The look of sheer delight across his face when he saw me. The way he held out his arm to hug me. It was a strange hug that almost pushed me out the door but it was still there. He seemed so friendly that I had to do something in return. I gave him a slap on the back. What a funny man he is making an amusing fake yell of pain and banging his head off the wall. We knew he was faking of course because he had a little nap after that.

With my father was little me. Amazing how much I had grown. After my father was peacefuly asleep I thought that I'd have a play with the small me. He was very happy to see me as well. Playing hide and seek in such a spirit of fun. I never knew I could run so fast.

Day 145. 23rd August. Year 5 OR

Ah deja vu. There was me crying before the first day of school. I felt so desperate to tell me that this so called "stict" teacher would be a push over after you found out the way to control people's minds. But we'll come to that another time.

Still it was morning now and there I was in my first uniform that we had until I banned then six years later.

So little "Wobut" was taken by me to school. There was no one else seeing as my mother had vanish during the night and returned cluthing a baseball bat sniggering to herself in no right frame of mind to do anything and my father had been taken away by those friendly men in white coats. Boy look at all those broken windows on these cars. Must have been those teenagers again.

As we walked along I talked to myself about all the wonderful things to learn at school. After finishing talking about how k=1/4 in the equation: x2 - 5x + (k + 6) = 0 I looked round to see myself running away.

After I caught myself I dragged him to school and threw him at the teacher's face. She wasn't really hurt only pretending so as to get out of work. "A fractured skull" now what kind of injury is that? Look at that huge bruse on the little me's back. He'll have trouble sleeping on his back now.

Still night came and I was tired. Don't worry little me I will be in your class tommorrow to make sure nothing else happens to you. Sheesh I mean isn't school ment to be safe for children these days?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Chapter 2 - Was it something I said?

Day 139. 18th March. Year 1OR (Of Rob)

I was having a fun time living in the past. The only set back was myself. That wee guy didn't seem to like me very much. I only destroyed his teddy it's not like I destroyed him. Sheesh all that wailing over nothing. Am I really that annoying? I did try to explain to me why I did it. I was told it would grant me power to rule the world. I must have done the spell wrong or something. But still it had seemed to make sense. That man from the "Wizards Unite" seemed to know what he was talking about. He said he wasn't part of a cult so it must have been all real. I had never heard of "Wizards Unite" in my time so it must have changed it's name at some point.

The family seem happy with me being in the house. My mother is always merry and dancing with axes and my father just sits there watching me not saying a word. The odd thing about that man is that he never seems to want to talk only moving away when I come near. But he has never shown any sign of concern about me being there.

Although feeling welcome I am becoming slightly bored with being here and am think about moving on a few years. Not much has happened in the last few months. The giant frogs began their attack on Earth but that happens all the time. It's boring.

Let's go see that old school of mine I say. It would be nice to see the inside of it and all my old friends again before they were all lost in that unexplained gas explosion that happened the day I was in trouble for breaking a window. How amazingly coincidental that I had gone outside at that exact moment and was the only one to survive. Some things will never be

I think it's now time to move on and see what interesting things will happen in the next few years. Watch out school here comes Rob (again).

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